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Subject: Science
Category: Human anatomy

Human anatomy online

Site contains over 100 illustrations of the human body as well as anatomy lessons and descriptive information about parts of the body such as the digestive system, skeleton, muscles, lymphatic system, endocrine system, nervous system, cardiovascular system and reproductive systems. Suitable for interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Human anatomy

Anatronica: Interactive 3D human anatomy

Anatronica is an interactive 3D anatomy study aid, demonstrating the skeletal system, muscular system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, urinary system, reproductive system, digestive system, respiratory system, and endocrine system. Requires Unity Web Player plugin. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Human anatomy

Human body

The BBC Human Body site has Real audio information in programmes lasting about 10 minutes about parts of the body including heart, skin, bones, eye, lungs and brain.

Subject: Science
Category: Human anatomy

Human body

Learn about health and growth, the human skeleton and other interesting human body topics on the Science Kids site. Games explore health and growth, heart rate, teeth and eating, skeletons and bones, suitable for an interactive whiteboard. Fact files describe blood, eyes, brain and heart.

Subject: Geography
Category: Human ecology

Our planet

This website accompanies the Our Planet documentary series by David Attenborough exploring human impact on the environment and wildlife dependent on it, including the global extent of grassland, jungle and forest habitats before humans compared to what remains today. Human impact on Earth. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Poultry

Anatomy of the chicken

This interactive tool provides basic information on chicken anatomy for students. Colour transparencies show the fundamental structure and anatomy of the chicken, as it may be observed during a dissection study. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Animal-human relationships

Human and animal relationships

In this video 'Naledi: One Little Elephant,' a baby elephant is taken into the care of animal scientists following her mother's death. In the accompanying activity, students explore how humans are able to help, care for and nurse animals back to health using human-made feeders.

Subject: Science
Category: Bones


eSkeletons is an interactive site which views the bones of human and non-human primates, including chimpanzee, baboon, gorilla and lemur. The Taxon tab gives general species information, and 'comparative anatomy' selects complete sets or individual bones for dimension and orientation to the body. There are FAQs about bone biology, human skeleton and skeletal morphology, and resources include puzzles, printouts and a bookmark featuring human, chimpanzee and baboon skulls. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: The Arts
Category: Leonardo, da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci: anatomist

Leonardo has long been recognised as one of the great artists of the Renaissance, but he was also a pioneer in the understanding of human anatomy. The London Grid for Learning presents a selection of high resolution images of his studies of the human body.

Subject: Science
Category: Volcanoes

Anatomy of a volcano

Nova gives pictures and diagrams of the anatomy of a volcano.

Subject: Geography
Category: Ecology

Natural and human impacts on wildlife

This site explains how humans are responsible for causing changes in the environment that hurt animals and plant species. Impact on animal habitat.

Subject: Science
Category: Mosquitoes


This page from Enchanted Learning has information about mosquito bites, anatomy, life cycle and disease carrying. A diagram of the mosquito anatomy and printout activity sheets are also included.

Subject: Science
Category: Human anatomy

How the body works

Kids Health interactive site looks at the skeletal, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, nervous, respiratory, endocrine, muscular and immune systems, as well as skin. Suitable for interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Human anatomy

My body coloring book pages

Ten body parts - arm, brain, ear, eye, feet, finger, foot, hair, hand, head - can each be printed and used as a colouring exercise.

Subject: Science
Category: Arthropods

Importance of arthropods

This site identifies arthropods that a helpful to humans - as food, in pest control, in ecological roles and in different human-made products. A video with questions for discussion is also available.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

Exploring nature

This natural science resource collection includes topics on animals and plants; Earth - biomes of the world and environmental issues; the human body and anatomy, and other science resources and activities.

Subject: Technology
Category: Robots

Why, robot

Science Museum explores people's fascination with machines that resemble humans physically or behave in lifelike ways, and looks at Medieval robots, automata, and industrial robots. It is common to anthropomorphise robots built in the human form.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

Everyday mysteries: browse all questions

Browse this Library of Congress archive of question and answers on topics including agricultural crops, celestial bodies, human anatomy, plant life, chemistry, geography, home economics, weather, physics, inventions, and animals.

Subject: History
Category: Aboriginal peoples - Northern Territory

Australia's earliest modern humans

The Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage provides a fact sheet about Madjedbebe in northern Australia and how the Aboriginal rock art contributes new information about human arrival in Australia, at a time that megafauna coexisted.

Subject: Geography
Category: Human ecology

Biodiversity and the effect of human interaction on ecosystems

This BBC site explores the effect of the rapid increase in the human population, waste from human activity, deforestation and the destruction of peat areas, biofuels and food production. Human impact on Earth.

Subject: Technology
Category: Artificial intelligence

What is AI: What does artificial intelligence do

BBC Newsround explains that Artificial intelligence, or AI for short, is machine learning technology used to enable a computer to think or act in a more 'human' way. AI is used in personal devices, driverless cars, flight simulators, and robots. There are concerns that the technology could become smarter than humans.

Subject: History
Category: Human ecology - Oceania - History

Future eaters

The archived Future Eaters documentary transcripts explore the transformation of Australasia by humans: the Aboriginal people of Australia seeking sustainable existence; the Maori of New Zealand arriving from Polynesia in canoes; and European colonisation with the damaging impact of their farming methods and feral creatures.

Subject: Technology
Category: Artificial intelligence - Problems, exercises, etc.

Game on: why your computer learns faster and games better than you think

Computers can solve some problems better and faster than humans can, but only after humans train the machines to use artificial intelligence. McKinsey for Kids explores the world of gaming to explain out how artificial intelligence works through reinforcement training. Includes a quiz suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching


MinuteEarth YouTube channel has videos about the planet Earth, with playlists on animal behaviour, geology, ecology and conservation, anatomy and health, food and farms, atmospheric science, biology, Earth history, energy and climate change, evolution, human behaviour, oceans, plants, and the scientific process.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Human rights

Human Rights Day

Human Rights Day (10 December) aims to bring to attention to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations. The site has information, videos, timeline and major human rights achievements.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Problems, exercises, etc.

Active science

GlaxoSmithKline originally devised these interactive online science modules with worksheets. Topics include: Humans and Animals, Human and Animal Habitats, Population Growth , Energy Challenge, Balanced Diet, Materials Database, Periodic Table Database, Predation in a Habitat (spreadsheet), Selective Breeding and Genetic Engineering, Enzymes in Biotechnology and The Heart. Suitable for interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Prehistoric peoples

Human evolution

This site has brief information about human evolution and an activity that shows the major hominid (human or human-like) species discovered to date, when they lived, and how they might be related to each other. Links to related sites are also provided.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Human rights

Human rights education

A project of the United Nations, Human Rights Education is a one-stop shop for human rights material for teachers and students. Videos and games explore the rights of the child, what it is like to be a refugee, and other issues.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Human rights

For teachers: human rights in the school classroom

The Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission's site for teachers provides teaching strategies on issues, structured activities and links to human rights resource materials. Topics include: child rights, disability rights, indigenous rights, race and diversity, sexual harassment and rights at work.

Subject: Geography
Category: Human ecology

American Nile: Saving the Colorado

Scroll down this site to view the changes to the Colorado River over time due to impact of agriculture and human use of water. Human impact on Earth.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Human rights

Australian Human Rights Commission: education

The Australian Human Rights Commission presents a collection of animated videos on the topics of human rights, children's rights, rights and freedoms, democracy, the Australian Constitution, diversity, and more.

Subject: Geography
Category: Human ecology

Man-made (anthropogenic) greenhouse gases

The British Geological Survey describes how human activities have greatly increased the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels, farming and forestry, cement manufacture, and aerosol use. Human impact on Earth.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Human rights

Human rights watch reports

This site has reports on human rights observance in a number of the countries on each continent during the year. The reports also address special issues such as: child soldiers and landmines.

Subject: Science
Category: Biology - Study and teaching

Interactive human

Interactive human is a site providing access to games and presentations about biology and medicine. Broad topics include: digestion, circulation, musculoskeletal, nervous system, immune response, human body. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Geography
Category: Human ecology

Six ways human activity is changing the planet

Wired Science outlines six ways in which people are already geoengineering the earth: through carbon dioxide emissions, draining rivers, black carbon, farming, reef destruction, and plastic production. Human impact on Earth.

Subject: Health/PE
Category: Human rights

Human rights: students

Australian Human Rights Commission page for students explains children's rights and includes videos on racism, equality and equity, education, refugees, disability, and bodies, identity and sexuality. Teacher notes, worksheets and activities are provided.

Subject: Science
Category: Koalas

Koala printout

This Enchanted learning page provides a printable drawing and brief basic information about koalas, their anatomy and diet.

Subject: Science
Category: Koalas


The NSW Parks and Wildlife Service provides information about the anatomy, distribution, habits, diet, development and conservation of the koala.

Subject: Geography
Category: Australia - Urbanisation

Urbanisation brings animals and diseases closer to home

This Conversation article argues that the increasing size and density of human populations are creating challenges for human health. Urbanisation modifies the environment rapidly and permanently, creating irreversible changes in biodiversity and giving rise to zoonotic disease outbreaks. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Science
Category: Cheetahs


Cheetahspot website has facts, pictures and sounds relating to the cheetah. Topics include anatomy, history, evolution, extinction, speed and habitat.

Subject: Science
Category: Whales


Well illustrated descriptions of whales, their anatomy and behaviour, images and activities.

Subject: History
Category: Human rights

Illustrated version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

This illustrated edition of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is published by the United Nations in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. A unique illustration accompanies each of the 30 articles. Readers can flip through the embedded book or download the entire document as a PDF.

Subject: History
Category: Human rights - History

Story of our freedom

The Story of Our Freedom is a series of online educational resources (including an interactive timeline, video and teacher resources) which explore the evolution of human rights since 1215 and the legacy of Magna Carta on human rights and freedoms in Australia today. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Dingoes

Dingo printout

This webpage has a printout of a dingo and information about its habitat, anatomy, hunting and diet.

Subject: Science
Category: Echidnas

Echidna printout

This webpage has a printout of an echidna and information about its habitat, anatomy, hunting and diet.

Subject: Science
Category: Scorpions


The Australian Museum provides information about scorpions. Details include identification, behaviours and adaptations and danger to humans.

Subject: Geography
Category: Grassland ecology


SeaWorld provides information on elements of a grassland habitat, the grains and grasses that are important food sources for humans, and the animals that share resources within the ecosystem.

Subject: Science
Category: Biology - Study and teaching

Ask a biologist

This site aims to provide the best scientific information on aspects of biology (the study of life) including palaeontology (the study of the history of life). Topics include dinosaurs, sea scorpions, ecology, human evolution, spiders, cell biology, evolution, birds, human and animal behaviour, human medicine, physiology, forests, conservation, genetics, fish, and more.

Subject: Science
Category: Rabbits


This site gives clear and easy to read general information about rabbits. Information includes anatomy, diet and habitat.

Subject: Science
Category: Plants


Information on this site for primary students includes a glossary of plant terms, printout diagrams of plant anatomy and activities for plant related themes and crafts.

Subject: Geography
Category: Floods

Many effects of flooding

National Geographic explains that floods can be destructive to humans and the natural environment, but they also help to drive biodiversity and are essential to the functioning of many ecosystems. Natural hazards.

Subject: Science
Category: Bees

Bee buzz

This site has useful information about bees for primary school students. The site features outline drawings of the anatomy of the honey bee, a quiz, puzzle and maze.

Subject: Science
Category: Birds

Bird Academy videos

This collection of bird videos from the Cornell Lab include topics on anatomy, behaviour, brains and senses, conservation, evolution, feathers, food and foraging, habitat, migration, nesting, and songs and calls.

Subject: Geography
Category: Rain and rainfall

How humans make rain: the science of superstorms

This BBC video looks at the science of weather modification and how countries around the world use different methods of cloud seeding to produce water.

Subject: Science
Category: Butterflies

All about butterflies

All About Butterflies from Enchanted Learning has information about butterflies, their life-cycle, anatomy, specific types, classification and links to other sites. The site also includes butterfly terms, further links and classroom activities.

Subject: Science
Category: Aquariums

Planet catfish

This site has information for the on-line aquarist about cat-fish or tropical aquarium fish. The site features photographs, articles, anatomy, classification, and information about unusual species.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Peace

Peace resource center

Peace resource centre has devised a page of links to General Peace Documents, War and Peace Documents; Human Rights Education; Recent Peace Accords; Humanitarian Law; International Criminal Tribunals; Human Rights Library; Peace & Activists Links; Human Rights Education.

Subject: Geography
Category: Human ecology

Living planet report 2020

Released biennially, the World Wildlife Foundation's Living Planet Report surveys human impact on the environment and summarises biodiversity and ecology trends. The Living Planet Index graphic shows the drop in population sizes of mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles. An infographic tracks regional footprints. Human impact on cosystems. Test your knowledge with a quiz. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Shells

Cone shells, Conus

Australian Museum provides a description of cone shells, their habitat, behaviour and adaptations, and danger to humans. Dangerous marine creatures.

Subject: Science
Category: Brain

Human brain

National Geographic Kids provides some basic information on how the human brain works and how powerful it is. A diagram shows the areas of the brain associated with different functions.

Subject: Science
Category: Machinery

Leonardo the inventor

This page from the US Museum of Science contains pictures of simple machines and a description of how each works. Understanding of concepts can be self-tested on the linked 'Gadget Anatomy' page where students are required to nominate the working parts of everyday simple machines.

Subject: Geography
Category: Europe

Europe: human geography

Europe has a long history of human development and is considered the birthplace of Western Civilisation. National Geographic outlines its cultural and political geography.

Subject: Science
Category: Mastodons

Woolly mammoth

The Smithsonian Institute presents a 3D image of the woolly mammoth, originally evolved in Asia from a broader group of elephant-like ancestors called proboscideans. It is an extinct herbivore that once shared its Arctic ecosystems with the first humans in North America.

Subject: Geography
Category: Human ecology

Forest conversion

Forests conversion involves removing natural forests to meet other land needs, such as plantations, agriculture, pasture for cattle settlements and mining. The World Wildlife Fund explains how this process is usually irreversible. Human impact on Earth.

Subject: Science
Category: Eye

Human eye

Discover how the human eye turns light into sight with this interactive tool by Vision Direct. Click on different parts of the eye to see what they are called and how they work. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Cross-curriculum
Category: Deception

Drop bear

An Australian Museum page describes the Drop Bear, a large, arboreal, predatory marsupial related to the koala that 'drops' on its prey. Information includes identification, habitat, distribution, feeding and diet, and danger to humans. Fake site.

Subject: Science
Category: Birds

Bird Academy play lab

The Bird Academy play lab has games that explore bird anatomy, flight, song, dance, feathers, and more. Some include teacher resources. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Extinct animals

Bone diggers

Designed to accompany the PBS TV programme Bone Diggers, this website is about the extinction of Australia's megafauna or big animals. Students can learn why marsupials thrived on the Australian continent and browse an interactive anatomy of a marsupial lion fossil skeleton (Thylacoleo carnifex).

Subject: Science
Category: Biology - Study and teaching

Ask a biologist

Arizona State University presents this biology learning resource with games and simulations on topics such as bones, cells, human body, populations, thermodynamics, DNA, moths, scientific method, human skeleton, and venom molecules. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Geography
Category: Artic regions

Humans in polar regions

There have been permanent populations in the Arctic, mostly Inuit (Eskimos) in what are now Canada, Alaska and Greenland, and several groups in northern Europe and Russia, such as the Saami (Lapp) in Scandinavia and the Chukchi in Siberia. This OpenLearn page describes their often transient way of life in the polar zone.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Race relations

Understanding race

Race: are we so different? This website of the American Anthropological Association includes thought-provoking sections on human variation and lived experience, with topics on genes and health, human biology and genetics, race and racism, and a variety of timelines (society, science, US history) and much more.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

Outstanding science

Outstanding Science has free resources for the science curriculum, with topics on animals including humans, plants, everyday materials, rocks, light, forces and magnets, states of matter, sound, electricity, Earth and space, and more.

Subject: Health/PE
Category: Teeth

Mouth and teeth

Basic oral hygiene information from the Kids Health website include Anatomy of the Mouth and Teeth; Normal Development of the Mouth and Teeth; What the Mouth and Teeth Do and Problems of the Mouth and Teeth (including disorders such as cleft palate, cold sores and periodontal disease).

Subject: Health/PE
Category: Olympic Games


The Official Olympic Channel by the International Olympic Committee promotes the Tokyo 2020 games as well as providing videos of many great moments from previous Games. Topics include the refugee team, teams from around the world, Olympic torch relay, behind the scenes training, anatomy for different sports, and medal winners.

Subject: Health/PE
Category: Health

Health science classroom activities

These Health Science classroom activities address topics in anatomy and physiology, development, disease, medicine, nutrition, and public health.

Subject: Science
Category: Stonefish

Bullrout, Notesthes robusta

The Australian Museum warns that bullrout (or stonefish) should be handled with extreme care. The dorsal, anal and pelvic spines all have venom glands, dangerous to humans. The species occurs from northern Queensland to southern New South Wales. Dangerous marine creatures.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Experiments

Grossology activities for classrooms

Tied to an exhibit at the Da Vinci Science Centre, the Animal Grossology activities listed in this document make science fun and accessible for learners of all ages. Students learn about the behaviours of birds, fish, reptiles, and mammals, as well as deepening their understanding of scientific observation, measurement, anatomy, dissection, and more.

Subject: Science
Category: Eye - Care and health

Eye health

The Fred Hollows Foundation provides this collection of resources on eye health with sections on: anatomy of the eye, cataracts, trachoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, refractive error, onchocerciasis (river blindness), children's eye disease, and lifestyle and eye disease.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Prehistoric peoples

Fossil hominids

This site contains useful information about human evolution, click on Hominid Species in the Table of Contents. The site also has information about the fossil record of human evolution and links to other relevant sources including the Creationist views.

Subject: Science
Category: Animals - Australia

Our animals

ABC Education describes some of Australia's native animals and how they survive in the wild: kangaroo, koala, wombat, emu, echidna and dingo. Learn about animal life cycles and reproduction, and how the impact of humans on the environment can affect wild animals and their habitats.

Subject: Science
Category: Global warming

Impacts of global warming

World Wildlife Fund looks at the changes to the climate caused by humans through global warming, and summarises the impact it is having on life in Australia. A linked Earth Hour interactive shows how the world could change as global temperatures rise.

Subject: Science
Category: Sharks

What is a shark?

This page has information for young students such as What is a shark? Shark information sheets, simple shark printouts and shark statistics. Topics include: what a shark is, its anatomy, useful facts, a shark dictionary, shark popup card and shark extreme facts.The information is presented in colourful text with diagrams and illustrations.

Subject: Cross-curriculum
Category: Examinations

That quiz

'That Quiz' provides mainly Math test activities. Quizzes for language vocabulary, Science and Geography are also provided. Students are not required to register but teachers who register receive record-keeping of student grades. Topics include: integers, fractions, geometry, algebra, calculus, probability, place geography, cells, anatomy, and elements. Suitable for interactive whiteboard.

Subject: English
Category: Animal-human relationships - Fiction

This student short film got me into 10 film festivals

This student-made short film 'Ollie' tells the story of the daily life of a dog at the beginning of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, until things change and his human companion becomes very sick and suddenly is gone. Spanish subtitles.

Subject: Science
Category: Spiders

Spider myths

The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, USA, has spider myths (mainly North American) and facts on how spiders are predators, feed mainly on insects, and not all spiders bite. Even tarantulas are harmless to humans apart from their hairs that can cause skin rashes. Access additional information and links about spiders.

Subject: Geography
Category: Coral reefs and islands

Coral reefs

An Endangered Species International module on coral reefs provides information on classification and anatomy; coral feeding, nutrition, gender and reproduction; coral reef growth, forms and structure; global distribution and status of coral reefs; and the coral reef ecosystem, its ecological functions and economic value.

Subject: Geography
Category: Natural history

Nature on PBS

'Nature' is a natural history TV series from the US Public Broadcasting System. On the website you can stream episodes online. Teachers can download guides to help pupils focus on different topics, Animal Behaviour, Earth Science, Environment and Conservation, Humans and Nature and Living Places, and start discussions.

Subject: Science
Category: Platypuses

Death of Hobart's Larila the platypus a warning about the plight of a species

The ABC news report about the struggles of Larila the platypus highlights how humans have made the environment unsuitable for the platypus, hunted in the past for their fur, and now threatened by changing climate, damming of rivers, pollution, and invasive species such as foxes. Monotremes.

Subject: Geography
Category: Ivory

Ivory trade

The Born Free Foundation website focuses on the illegal international ivory trade. Find out about the impact this is having on the elephant populations in West and Central Africa, the conflict elephants have with humans and the various projects the Foundation supports to help prevent poaching and to learn about elephant behaviour.

Subject: English
Category: Writing (Authorship)

Teach human rights with fiction

Amnesty International offers teaching resources to support students to explore human rights through fiction and develop their own writing style. Lessons include reading lists for different age groups, with discussion and activity suggestions. Download the Story Explorer Resource to generate questions.

Subject: History
Category: Animals - War use - History

Animals in war

Animals have played an important part in the conflicts and operations in which Australia has been involved. They have served alongside humans in military roles, and provided comfort as mascots and support animals. The Australian War Memorial’s resources about animals in war include articles, photographs, art, and objects.

Subject: Geography
Category: Rivers

Rivers and the water cycle

Young People's Trust For the Environment presents factsheets on rivers and the water cycle, the source and the mouth, types of river, humans' influence on rivers, why Britain's rivers are at risk, life in a lowland river, mammals, birds, fish and plants.

Subject: History
Category: Windmills

History of windmills

On the History of Windmills learn how windmills replaced humans as a source of power. The earliest known wind powered mills were used by the Persians around AD 644 and the Chinese in AD 1200. Modern windmills appeared in the 8th and 9th century in the Middle East and Asia. Topics include windmill history, facts, types and a list of windmills around the world.

Subject: Science
Category: Forests and forestry - Victoria

Forest secrets

This website presents the natural and cultural heritage of Victoria's tall timber forests, dominated by the mighty Mountain Ash Eucalyptus regnans, along with insights into the interconnected and multilayered nature of forest life, with topics on water, continental drift, seasonal change, bushfire, impact of humans, plants and animals.

Subject: Science
Category: Plants - Anatomy

Transpiration: Water movement through plants

Transpiration: Water Movement through plants is an animation that examines how water moves through plants. It details how plants lose water through transpiration and how they access CO2 for photosynthesis and to cool themselves. Suitable for interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Dogs - Diseases

Ehrlichiosis: tick sickness

This AMRRIC animation aims to improve knowledge and awareness of Ehrlichiosis, a tick borne disease that can impact the health of dogs and potentially humans. The video outlines how Ehrlichiosis is transmitted, the signs of sickness, and provides advice on treating and managing the disease.

Subject: Geography
Category: Physical geography

Geography: landscapes and landforms

ABC Education explores the formation of Australia's coastal, desert and mountain landforms and landscapes, and investigates how humans create changes to the natural environment that may need to be managed over time. Landforms include the Twelve Apostles, Uluru and Kata Tjuta, Great Dividing Range and Mount Kosciuszko. Fieldwork activities are suggested.

Subject: Science
Category: Adaptation (Biology)

Animal adaptation

PBS Science Trek explains that an adaptation is a characteristic that helps an animal survive in its habitat. Topics include physical adaptations; behavioural adaptations; prey, predator and scavenger adaptations; environmental change; plant adaptations; and ways humans mimic animal adaptations.

Subject: Geography
Category: Natural resources - Management - Moral and ethical aspects

World Vision school resources

Issues based resources from World Vision include the geography of human wellbeing and poverty, the economic, social and environmental impacts of inequalities, and case studies in water, food, urbanisation and human wellbeing, in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Plastics - Environmental aspects

Plastic Pollution Coalition

Plastic Pollution Coalition aims to work to stop plastic pollution and its toxic impacts on humans, animals and the environment. The site contains facts, and common misconceptions about plastics and recycling and their impact on the environment and the individual.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

Wow science

Wow Science is a database of mostly free resources including games, activities, apps, videos, experiments and websites. Topics include animals, coding, Earth and space, electricity, energy, environment and climate evolution, forces and magnets, habitats, humans, light and sound, materials, micro-organisms, plants, solids, liquids and gases.

Subject: Science
Category: Birds - Habits and behaviour

What to do if you find a baby bird

In the spring and summer, it's very common to find baby birds on the ground. Birds take far better care of their babies than humans can, so if you find a baby bird on the ground, keep pets away and follow the advice of the RSPCA regarding nestlings and fledglings.

Subject: Science
Category: Ocean

Deep sea

The Deep Sea is an interactive visualisation of the ocean, taking viewers on a journey into marine depths showing the marine creatures found at each level, from surface level to the 'Twilight Zone', to the Challenger Deep, the deepest part of the ocean reached by humans in the submarine Trieste. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Geography
Category: Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef

This archived page from the Australian Government Australian Stories portal describes how human activity, including tourism, in the Great Barrier Reef areas has led to increased pollutants and the reef has suffered damage. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Geography
Category: Forests and forestry - Australia

Little left to lose: deforestation and forest degradation in Australia since European colonisation

This journal article reports that despite Australia's relatively small population, human activity has been responsible for extensive deforestation and forest degradation since European settlement, due to clearing, logging, invasive weed species and altered fire regimes. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Ocean

Unknown sea

The Bibliotheque Nationale de France has devised this excellent pictorial collection about the sea. The exhibition is divided into four sections: the unknown sea, sea wrath, wonders and today. The exhibition begins with the early human views of the sea and examines fear of the sea's unpredictable nature. The exhibition moves on to the effect of the sea on human imagination and art and the fear and fascination with the sea today. Suitable for interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Kakadu National Park (N.T.)

Indigenous rock shelter in Top End pushes Australia's human history back to 65,000 years

ABC News feature with video describing new archaeological finds in Kakadu National Park that push the record of Human settlement in Australia back to 65000 years. Finds include stone tools and evidence of painting demonstrating the sophistication of early aboriginal culture.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Human rights

Child Rights Information Network

The Child Rights Information Network (CRIN) represents child rights organizations that work to improve the lives of children. Information on the site includes the Convention on the Rights of the Child, child labour, juvenile justice, children and war, child abuse, education, health, sexual exploitation, violence, HIV, AIDS and human rights.

Subject: Science
Category: Science

Science news

Science News is a bi-weekly news magazine of the Society for Science and the Public. It contains scientific news, book reviews, videos and photo slideshows explaining scientific research. The site can be searched by topic, including atoms, cosmos, body, brain, earth, environment, genes, cells, humans, life, matter, energy, molecules, science and society. There is a Kids' section that explains current issues (such as the Gulf of Mexico oil spill) in simplified language.

Subject: Science
Category: Horses


This PBS website provides a description of the evolution of the horse, its role in history and the therapeutic benefits of human contact.

Subject: Science
Category: Human biology


Brainchild videos explain topics such as memory, motivation, emotions, the body in space, germs and the five second rule, and washing hands.

Subject: History
Category: Moon - Exploration

Apollo 11

NASA recounts the events of 20 July 1969, the first human landing on the moon, with astronaut Armstrong calling the flight 'a beginning of a new age'.

Subject: The Arts
Category: Theatre - Greece

Different types of Greek drama and their importance

The Ancient Greeks used drama as a way of investigating the world they lived in, and what it meant to be human. The three genres were comedy, satyr plays, and tragedy.

Subject: Health/PE
Category: Health

My Dr

This health information web-site examines illnesses, diseases and conditions. It also provides human body information, articles to read, and a search engine.

Subject: Science
Category: Animals


The UK Natural History Museum has information about topics as wide ranging as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes, insects and spiders, invertebrates, dinosaurs and other extinct creatures, plants and fungi and human origins.

Subject: English
Category: Poetry

Can I have a word

Can I Have A Word, has been developed to assist and inspire creative writing and poetry. Topics include the elements, human body, the odyssey and changing voices.

Subject: Science
Category: Animal communication

Meet Washoe

The Friends of Washoe have developed a site that describes how the chimpanzees at the Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute have acquired American Sign language.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Children - Employment

School for Iqbal

Iqbal was sold into bonded labour, escaped, received the Reebok Human Rights award in 1994 and was murdered in 1995. This site provides information about Iqbal Masih.

Subject: Geography
Category: Rubbish disposal - Environmental aspects

Problem with landfill

Environment Victoria describes the many negative issues associated with landfill: toxins (including from electronic waste), leachate and greenhouse gases. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: The Arts
Category: Films

Explore films

The National Film Board of Canada provides a directory of films and trailers that take a stand on issues of global importance, stories about the environment, human rights, international conflict, the arts and more. (Some are only available on subscription).

Subject: Science
Category: Skin


KidCyber describes the qualities of human skin, the three main layers (epidermis, dermis, subcutis), skin colour, protecting your skin, and includes a short animation.

Subject: Science
Category: Digestion

Human digestive system

This Enchanted Learning website has explanations of the digestive process. It defines twenty-three digestive-system terms and includes two printable handouts.

Subject: Health/PE
Category: Nose

Your Nose

TheUS Kids' Health website provides information about the human nose. Topics include nose parts, how the nose works, sinuses, runny nose, snoring and colds.

Subject: Science
Category: Inventions

Aerosol history

The Aerosol Association of Australia provides brief information about aerosols, how they were invented, their use in World War 2, and their technical advantages. The original drawing of a spray can by Erik Rotheim is shown along with other images. Science as a human endeavour. Chemical sciences.

Subject: Health/PE
Category: Human relations

Respectful relationships

Designed to address gender inequality and prevent family violence, this teaching resource on respectful relationships includes links to learning materials and advice on a whole-school approach.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

Learn about science

Science with Me has informative articles on animals, astronomy, chemistry, famous scientists, human body, physics, physics, plants, nutrition and more.

Subject: Geography
Category: Disasters

How do communities respond to natural disasters

ChildFund looks at why developing countries are more vulnerable to natural disasters and the human impact of tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, hurricane, typhoons and other weather events.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Amnesty International

Amnesty International

Extensive information about world human rights issues from the Amnesty organisation.

Subject: Geography
Category: Tsunamis

How do tsunamis affect human lives

Sciencing explains that the effects of tsunamis include devastation of homes, loss of life, damage to the economy, disease and contamination, health effects, and serious environmental changes.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

Colossal cranium

Colossal Cranium is a collection of fun videos on science topics including the human body, animals, food, the supernatural, and more.

Subject: Science
Category: Senses and sensation

Seeing, hearing and smelling the world

This site from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute has a series of articles related to human and animal senses of taste, hearing, seeing and smelling.

Subject: Geography
Category: Geography - Study and teaching

Geography all the way

Geography All the Way is a continually developing online repository of teaching resources on physical and human geography topics.

Subject: Science
Category: Seahorses

Seahorse facts

The Seahorse Trust provides images and information about seahorses and shows how they are under threat from human and natural forces like the Chinese medicine trade and the devastation of the oceans' ecosystems. There are links to seahorse sites around the UK shores.

Subject: Science
Category: Brain

Brain: The inside story

This exhibit from the American Museum of Natural History explores the working of the human brain. Topics include the senses, emotions, thinking, changes to the brain and future research. The website includes brief factual explanations and videos.

Subject: English
Category: Journalism

Voices of youth

UNICEF has created a website for youth from around the world interested in human rights and development with plenty of examples of youth-produced videos, profiles of young media reporters and other related resources. Requires registration to submit a post.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Problems, exercises, etc.

Science games for primary students

ABC Education science interactives deal with energy, force, light, experimentation, the human body, ecology, food chains, adaptation, Earth’s rotation and much more. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Recycling (Waste, etc.)

Human footprint

National Geographic presents information about waste and recycling, and how to reduce the carbon footprint.

Subject: Health/PE
Category: Health education

Health games and animations

The Just for Kids section from the About Kids Health website helps children learn about how the human body works, safety issues and common health problems. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Magna Carta

Story of our freedom

Australian Human Rights Commission presents an infographic on the Magna Carta and the origins of our democratic system and how it has influenced our values, rights and freedoms today. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Space

How big is space

Find out how big the solar system is with this BBC interactive infographic. See how close comets have come to our planet; what is the farthest travelled by a human being; how long the trip will take if you were on the Starship Enterprise, and more. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Biology - Study and teaching

Life and nature

Da Vinci YouTube channel explores the mysteries of life and nature and includes topics in biology, from the tiniest plant to the human body, cleaning the earth, and saving the animals along the way.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Experiments

Scienceworks: play

Scienceworks has activities and experiments inspired by items in Museums Victoria's collections and exhibitions. Topics range from rainbows and bubbles to the human lung, the solar system and constellations, and many more topics.

Subject: History
Category: Industrial Revolution

Industrialisation, labour, and life

National Geographic describes the changes to small-scale farming and artisan handicrafts as the advent of industrial development revamped patterns of human settlement, labour, and family life.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Tibet

Tibetan studies

This site has frequently updated and annotated links to information about Tibet, including art, theatre , music, flag, general information, human rights, language, Literature, maps and images, politics, religion, travel and tourism.

Subject: History
Category: Aboriginal peoples - Northern Territory

How do we know how old the Indigenous Madjedbebe rock shelter is

ABC News reports that archaeological excavations at Madjedbebe, an Aboriginal site near Kakadu National Park, have pushed back the date of human arrival in Australia by up to 18,000 years.

Subject: Science
Category: Ecology

Conservation videos for schools

World Land Trust has produced a series of videos covering a range of topics relating to rainforests and conservation, including: habitats, species, food chains, deforestation, types of forest, and human impact on the environment.

Subject: Geography
Category: Kenya

Kenya, a changing nation

The Royal Geographic Society provides this resource on Kenya with questions to research; factsheets on the environment, climate, the Maasai people, animals, and life in a Kenyan city; and a gallery of images. Students consider the human impact of tourism. Teaching resources are also provided.

Subject: Geography
Category: Victoria Falls

To the Victoria Falls

Explore the wonder of the Victoria Falls through its natural and human history. The site has information on how the falls were formed, their discovery, development of the railways and tourism, people, flora and fauna.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

Science trek

Science Trek has short videos on science topics including animals, Earth science, environment, human body, space, technology and science fundamentals.

Subject: Technology
Category: Inventions


The Segway human transporter may revolutionise personal mobility. The site describes the design process and features of the device. Its inventor, Dean Kamen, has been involved in developing a number of patents such as medical devices, climate control systems, and helicopter design.

Subject: History
Category: Romero, Oscar Arnulfo

St Oscar Romero

Westminster Abbey has a memorial statue of Oscar Romero, canonised in 2018. As Archbishop of San Salvador, he committed himself to the poor and the persecuted, and his church began to document the abuse of human rights.

Subject: Science
Category: Dogs - Diseases

Dogs and ticks

Blue Cross explains how ticks can cause disease by transmitting bacteria and microbes when they bite an animal or human. A video shows how to remove a tick from a dog safely, to prevent Lyme disease or babesiosis.

Subject: English
Category: Poetry

Online poetry

The National Poetry Library has a large collection of modern poetry. Online poetry can be filtered by format (text, audio, video) or topic (arts, family and relationships, human experience, nature, society).

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Children, Aboriginal - Care and health

How to listen and learn from Indigenous children in order to help them

ABC News describes teenage activist Dujuan Hoosan, star of In My Blood It Runs, who has addressed the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva about how the Australian education system does not value his cultural knowledge.

Subject: History
Category: Aboriginal peoples - Technology

Brewarrina fish traps

Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly describes Baiame's Ngunnhu, a complex network of river stones arranged to form ponds and channels that catch fish as they travel downstream, recognised as one of the oldest human-made structures in the world.

Subject: Health/PE
Category: Food


Phenomenom is a program with fun weekly video episodes about vegetables and nutrition. Topics include: influence of culture on food preferences, Indigenous food, human digestion, where food comes from, food for our bodies and brains. Teaching resources are available.

Subject: Science
Category: Bones

Top 10 facts about bones

Fun Kids has facts about the bones of the human body, including the skeleton, bone marrow, the ear stapes, leg bones, broken bones, need for calcium in the diet, the spine and the spinal cord, and joints.

Subject: Science
Category: Bacteria


Kiddle explains that bacteria are very small organisms, only seen through a microscope. Some bacteria can cause diseases, but others help us in everyday activities like digesting food (gut flora). Pathogenic bacteria, the harmful kind, enter the human body from the air, water or food.

Subject: Geography
Category: Salinity - Australia

Dryland salinity causes and impacts

This fact sheet explains the causes of dryland salinity, sources of salt and the effect on plants and soil, as well as the impact on agriculture, the environment, and society. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Science
Category: Natural gas - Environmental aspects

CSIRO scientist discusses impacts of CSG

Dr Peter Stone, of CSIRO, is interviewed about the known effects of coal seam gas on human health and the environment. Discussion includes discussion of fracking and the risk of contamination of water.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Problems, exercises, etc.

Science games for primary students

These ABC interactive games and resources deal with energy, force, light, experimentation, the human body, ecology, food chains, adaptation, Earth's rotation and much more. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Geography
Category: Economic assistance

Sharing, learning and collaborating

The European Commission provides a collection of resources on development and cooperation, with topics including agriculture and rural development, economics and public finance, energy, environment and climate change, microfinance, migration and asylum, human rights and peacebuilding, transport, water and sanitation.

Subject: The Arts
Category: Film making - History

Muybridge's pioneering motion pictures

Eadweard Muybridge, grandfather of the motion picture, (1830-1904) wished to catalogue every aspect of human and animal locomotion with his camera. He is internationally renowned for his ground-breaking movement studies and moving image projection.

Subject: Science
Category: Space flight

Human spaceflight

NASA describes how the Cold War between the United States and former Soviet Union gave birth to the space race and an unprecedented program of scientific exploration. They provide descriptions of space missions, from Project Mercury in 1959 to the era of the International Space Station.

Subject: Geography
Category: Marine pollution

Marine debris: biodiversity impacts and potential solutions

Pollution from human activities has major impact on the world's marine ecosystems. The Conversation describes plastic refuse as one of the most pervasive types of pollution, a threat to many marine species.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Environment

Earth: A graphic look at the state of the planet

Earth, presents maps, charts and graphics to illustrate the condition of the world's environment, both natural and human. Charts and maps may be ordered.

Subject: Science
Category: Skeleton

Skeletal system

This Smile and Learn video shows the parts of the skeletal system, including bones, joints, and cartilage, and shows how the human skeleton works.

Subject: Science
Category: Robots - Research


Hanson Robotics' most advanced human-like robot, Sophia, is a unique combination of science, engineering, and artistry. She is the world's first robot citizen, and a framework for cutting edge robotics and AI research.

Subject: History
Category: Archaeology

What do archaeologists do

A PBS video explains that archaeology is the study of what is ancient. Archaeologists study human cultures, usually those who lived a long time ago. Sculptures, mummies and artefacts from ancient Egypt are presented.

Subject: Science
Category: Energy resources - Environmental aspects

Non-renewable energy

Non-renewable energy comes from sources that will eventually run out, such as oil and coal. National Geographic presents the advantages and disadvantages of fossil fuels and their effect on the environment. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Geography
Category: Immigration and emigration

Young migrants facing unprecedented challenges

The world is in an era of unprecedented human mobility, with the greatest number of people in history living outside their country or region of origin. The United Nations says discrimination, lack of access to education and poor working conditions are growing problems. Place and liveability.

Subject: History
Category: Convicts


The year is 1830. Take the role of Surgeon Superintendent aboard a convict vessel transporting its human cargo from Britain to the far reaches of the known world - Van Diemen's Land. You're charged with delivering several hundred convicts to the colony in the shortest time with minimum loss of life. This game is suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Ocean


The Smithsonian Ocean Portal provides a large collection of resources for students studying the marine environment. Topics include ocean life and ecosystems, the ocean over time, conservation and human connections. The Museum section includes information about giant squids. The Educators' Corner has lesson plans.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Economic assistance

Oxfam Australia

Oxfam Australia, provides information about its programmes around the world including disaster relief and human rights assistance. The site provides latest news, how to help, campaigns, ethical business advice as well as information about the organisation.

Subject: Science
Category: Scientists

Environmental scientists and specialists

Environmental scientists and specialists use their knowledge of the natural sciences to protect the environment and human health. They may clean up polluted areas, advise policy makers, or work with industry to reduce waste. Scientists.

Subject: The Arts
Category: Leonardo, da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci's life

This website about Leonardo da Vinci discusses his paintings and drawings and includes his biography and a detailed timeline. Links provide further information on The Last Supper, Mona Lisa, Virgin of the Rocks, and Vitruvian Man - the proportions of the human figure. Renaissance.

Subject: Health/PE
Category: Racism

Take a stand against racism

This unit of work from the Human Rights Commission is designed to equip young people to take a stand against racism in their community, by valuing diversity and encouraging others to do the same. The message is that we are never too young to take a stand against bullying and harassment.

Subject: Cross-curriculum
Category: Antarctica - Environmental conditions

Environmental management

The Australian Antarctic Division provides information on the environmental management of Antarctica, with sections on human impacts, pollution and waste, plants and animals, protection of special areas, the cultural heritage, and environment law and guidelines.

Subject: Science
Category: Space - Problems, exercises, etc.

NASA at home

NASA has developed a wide range of materials for students and their families to investigate at home. Topics are grouped together and include: space technology; astronomy; earth science; human space flight; and STEM activities.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Australia - Immigration and emigration

Face the facts

Questions and answers provided by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, migration, immigration and multiculturalism, refugees and asylum seekers. The answers provided are factual and concise.

Subject: Science
Category: Science


This website provides science news items and reviews of popular science related topics. Sections of the website include the animal world, human biology, forces of nature, environment, technology, science of fiction, history and other news.

Subject: Geography
Category: Bermuda Triangle

How the Bermuda Triangle works

How Stuff Works has a page on the theories about the Bermuda Triangle disappearances and examines plausible explanations to be found in weather patterns, topography and seismic effects, methane gas, and human error.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

Maddie Moate

EduTuber and BAFTA winning presenter, Maddie Moate creates science videos on topics such as the human body and digestion, volcanoes and earthquakes, bird spotting, dinosaur fossils, rockpools, a pocket solar system, minibeast photography, and many more.

Subject: Science
Category: Octopuses

Octopuses keep surprising us: here are eight examples how

Natural History Museum describes the unusual features of octopuses: they have nine brains, are intelligent, use tools, recognise other species including human faces, use a hectocotylus in reproduction, females show prolonged parental care, they use camouflage protective techniques, can build cities, and have blue blood and three hearts.

Subject: History
Category: Aboriginal peoples - History

Discoveries at Lake Mungo

In this ABC documentary a reporter visits Lake Mungo in western NSW to view the site of the discovery of ancient Aboriginal human remains and the ongoing work of archaeologists. Investigating the ancient past.

Subject: Mathematics
Category: Mathematics - Problems, exercises, etc.

Maths in nature

This collection of photographs are used to provoke mathematical questions on topics of: symmetry, shapes, parallel lines, human induced geometry, Pi, fractals, zero as a placeholder and number, Fibonacci sequence, Fibonacci spiral, Golden ratio (phi), geometric sequence, uniqueness / proofs, and infinity.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Rainforests

Rainforest action network

Rainforest action network is a group taking action against the companies and industries driving deforestation and climate change. Issues include forests, climate and human rights.

Subject: The Arts
Category: Refugees, Syrian

Little Amal

Little Amal is the 12 foot puppet of a 10 year old Syrian refugee child at the heart of The Walk. She has become a global symbol of human rights, especially those of refugees. Her journeys are festivals of art and hope that draw attention to the huge numbers of children fleeing war, violence and persecution, each with their own story.

Subject: Science
Category: Animals - Digestion

Digestive system

Science Trek provides a guide to the human digestive system, animal monogastric digestive system, avian digestive system, and ruminant digestive system, in simple language. There are questions at the end to check knowledge.

Subject: Geography
Category: Mekong River

Power is money on the the Mekong

Discover why the Lao Government plans to build a hydropower dam at Xayaboury (Xayaburi) on the Mekong River and how neighbouring countries might react to the impact on food production. Environmental change and management: human-induced environmental changes that challenge sustainability.

Subject: History
Category: Prehistoric peoples

Bog bodies

Bog bodies, which are also known as peat bog mummies, are the naturally preserved human corpses found in the sphagnum bogs in Northern Europe. This site has information on their historical context, discovery and archaeological investigation and techniques, with news and articles on some notable bog bodies.

Subject: History
Category: Aboriginal peoples - History

Mungo Man returns home

The Conversation article looks at the return of the remains of the first known Australian, Mungo Man and Woman. Examines the cultural attitudes of the Aboriginal people opposed to their removal and opportunity for further research on the history of human settlement in Australia.

Subject: Geography
Category: Temperate regions

Temperate zone

Kiddle presents basic information about temperate climate zones: human aspects (demography, fauna and flora), agriculture and urbanisation. Temperate zone cities with a Mediterranean climate include Rome, Cape Town, Santiago and Adelaide.

Subject: Science
Category: Biology

Visual dictionary

Visual Dictionary provides pictures for leaning the exact names of objects. Sections of the website include plant biology, animal biology and the human body. The website is available in French and English. Suitable for interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Geography
Category: Introduced species - Environmental aspects

Prickly pear

The introduction and spread of exotic plant and animal species in Australia has impacted on the environment, native biodiversity and local communities, transforming the landscape. The Queensland Historical Atlas shows the impact of prickly pear. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: History
Category: Philippines - Social life and customs

Who are the Lumad

A Rappler infographic highlights the plight of the Lumad indigenous people of the Philippines, suffering from poverty and human rights violations, and considered one of the poorest minority groups in the world. Large-scale mining has displaced many communities from their ancestral lands. Indigenous peoples.

Subject: Science
Category: Scientists

Stories in science

The Journal of Stories in Science was created in response to a simple question: what is the nature of the human experience with science? The aim is to understand the connections people around the world share with science through stories. Search by category or click on a map of the world.

Subject: History
Category: Mesopotamia - Civilisation

Gobekli Tepe in Turkey

The Global Heritage Fund describes the Gobekli Tepe in Turkey an Early Neolithic site of enormous significance - the oldest human-made place of worship yet discovered. Topics include threats to the site and preservation projects.

Subject: Geography
Category: Salinity - Australia

Challenges and issues: Salinity

The Murray-Darling Basin Authority explains that excessive salinity concentrations are toxic to most life forms. Salt build up has become one of the most significant environmental challenges facing the Basin, a result of European farming practices. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Science
Category: Ocean

One planet, one ocean: mobilising science to save our ocean

This video to promote the International Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021 to 2030 warns of the human impacts threatening ocean ecosystems and urges nations to unite to build scientific knowledge needed to protect our shared ocean.

Subject: History
Category: Prehistoric peoples

Lindow Man

The British Museum provides information about Lindow Man, a well preserved human body found in a peat bog at Lindow Moss, near Manchester, in 1984. There are details of his discovery, conservation, and what we know from scientific research. Peat bog mummies.

Subject: History
Category: Medicine - History

What is ancient Roman medicine

Learn all about ancient Roman medicine with this guide from Medical News Today. The Romans had tools, painkillers and hospitals. By treating gladiators' wounds, Roman doctors learnt about the human body. Physician Galen dissected animals as well as some corpses.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

Life noggin

Life Noggin uses short animated videos to answer questions and offer explanations on scientific topics. Topics range from outer space to inside the human body, the brain and mental illnesses and diseases, and science myths through the decades.

Subject: Geography
Category: Mangroves


This Smithsonian site shows how mangrove ecosystems provide habitat for wildlife and help prevent coastal erosion. Learn how the mangrove forests can survive salt water, the creatures that live in the forests, growth, diversity, and invasive species and how human activities impact their ecosystems.

Subject: Science
Category: Birds - Australia

Birds in backyards

Birds in Backyards is a site dedicated to research, education and the conservation of birds living in Australian urban environments. It features a bird identification page based on attribute as well as common or scientific names. Results then lead to additional information such as distribution, habitat and the impact of human contact.

Subject: Science
Category: Vision

How do other animals see the world

Natural History Museum reports that by analysing the properties of animals' visual systems, we can model what the world would look like through their eyes. Interactive images compare how each scene would be viewed by a human or an animal, including a dog, gecko, snail, giant clam, and a jumping spider. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: History
Category: History - Study and teaching

World ahoy

World Ahoy is a YouTube animation series about a variety of predominantly history topics including historical moments and periods, historical characters, other cultures, human inventions and constructions, science discoveries and the world of nature.

Subject: Science
Category: Aeronautics - History

Aerospace history timeline

This Aerospace History Timeline begins in 1000 B.C.E. when Chinese citizens invented human-carrying kites. From there, it lists the many contributions made to flight, such as the Wright brothers' flying machine in the 1900's, and concludes with recent events such launch of satellites and exoplanet discoveries.

Subject: History
Category: Aboriginal peoples - History

Mungo lady and Mungo man

Mungo lady and Mungo man are perhaps the most important human remains ever found in Australia. This site provides details about these Aboriginal ancestors, and their life. Investigating the ancient past.

Subject: Geography
Category: Endangered species

Threatened species

The Queensland Department of Environment has information on threatened native plant and animal species. Threats can be human-induced or natural threats. There is an A-Z listing of animal species.

Subject: Science
Category: Inventions

How do aerosol cans and misters work?

This site explains that an aerosol is really a cloud of liquid and gas, and provides a simple introduction to how pressurised cans and misters work in paints, polishes, and other household products. There is a diagram of how an aerosol can works. Science as a human endeavour. Chemical sciences.

Subject: Science
Category: Rays (Fishes)

Maugean skate

The Maugean skate, or Port Davey skate (Zearaja maugeana), is a ray found only in Tasmania. The Australian Marine Conservation Society reports that it is heading for extinction and may soon become the world's first marine fish extinction in modern times because of human activities.

Subject: English
Category: Social action - Poetry

We can be more: a 13-year-old poet's campaign to save the world

TED-Ed presents award-winning slam poet, Solli Raphael's performance of his poem 'We can be more' exploring human action towards environmental sustainability. His poetry is aimed at raising awareness of important social and global issues.

Subject: Cross-curriculum
Category: Educational resources

BBC ideas

This shortform factual video platform has been created by the BBC and features an array of videos, animations and transcripts. The playlist is organised by subject and includes topics such as alternative ideas, race and racism, brief history, human emotions, common questions, climate change and sustainability, disability, and open university subjects.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

Easy science for kids

Easy Science For Kids has articles, worksheets, activity sheets, quizzes, colouring in activities, science experiments and videos. Topics include animals, plants and gardening, human body, earth science, weather, and natural wonders of the world.

Subject: Geography
Category: Mekong River

Dams and dolphins on the Mekong

If the Lao Government's plans are realised, nine hydropower dams will be built across the Mekong River in Laos, and more across its tributaries, however this may be at an environmental cost. Environmental change and management: human-induced environmental changes that challenge sustainability.

Subject: The Arts
Category: Street art

Peter Drew: real Australians say welcome

This archived site on human rights in Australia has an article on street artist Peter Drew and his project 'Real Australians say welcome' challenging viewers to rethink contemporary discourse surrounding asylum seekers.

Subject: Geography
Category: Ecology

Habitat loss and destruction

Thousands of the world's species are endangered as a result of habitat destruction caused by human intervention. This site describes issues such as pollution, diversity loss, invasive species, climate change and changing weather patterns. Impact on animal habitat.

Subject: Geography
Category: Coral reefs and islands

Coral oceans science

An Encounter Edu science-based unit has connected lessons on the living things in a coral reef, including reef builders, coral polyps, classification groups, coral food chains, adaptation on the reef, human impact, and more.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Islands

About islands

This website from the ABC is designed to compliment the TV series 'Island Life' which explores some of Australia's islands and the interaction of their human and animal inhabitants. Islands featured include Barrow Island, Macquarie Island, Christmas Island, Kangaroo Island, Lizard Island, Elcho Island and Torres Strait.

Subject: Science
Category: International Year of the Salmon, 2019

International Year of The Salmon

Environmental change and human impacts across the Northern Hemisphere are placing salmon at risk. The International Year of the Salmon aims to bring people together to share and develop knowledge, raise awareness, and take action.

Subject: History
Category: Saints - Biography

St. Gianna Beretta Molla

The Given Institute provides a biography of Gianna Beretta Molla, who considered her work as a doctor to be a mission from God. As a physician she had a profound reverence for the gift of human life; and chose to put the life of her unborn child before her own. She was canonised in 2004.

Subject: Science
Category: Animals - Habits and behaviour

Wild: amazing animals in a changing world

This Melbourne Museum exhibition site features the animals from Victoria, Australia, which were featured in the Wild exhibition. It examines how they are affected by climate change and human activity, and what we can do to help them. Explore by region: dry forest, coastal wetlands, alps, grasslands or mallee.

Subject: Geography
Category: Ecology

Impact of habitat loss on species

Habitat loss poses the greatest threat to species. The world's forests, lakes, and other habitats continue to disappear as they are harvested for human consumption and cleared to make way for agriculture, housing, roads, and the other hallmarks of industrial development. Impact on animal habitat.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Experiments


Science-U has tips, everyday activities and experiments that can be done at home. Experiments can be filtered by difficulty, time required, and level of mess. Topics of activities include states of matter, water, plants, human bodies, kitchen science, living things, energy, and pattern sorting.

Subject: History
Category: Aboriginal peoples - History

Mungo Man

ABC News feature with video and interviews with Jim Bowler who discovered Mungo Man, the oldest human remains to be discovered in Australia. This article examines the importance of the return of the remains to Aboriginal people and its scientific significance.

Subject: History
Category: Saints - Biography

Titus Brandsma: journalist, martyr, saint of the 20th century

Vatican News reports on symposium dedicated to Titus Brandsma, where he is described as having a strong moral compass, an exemplary human rights defender, and a journalist martyr. He was opposed to anti-Jewish laws being promulgated by the Nazis leading up to WWII.

Subject: History
Category: Otzi (Ice mummy)

Ice Man archaeology reveals skilled hunter

ABC Science reports that an Australian archaeologist has used forensic techniques to unravel the secrets of the oldest known human mummy, Otzi the ice mummy. His tools reveal that he was a highly competent hunter.

Subject: Mathematics
Category: Mathematics - Problems, exercises, etc.

Circus towers: square stacks

Learn about squared numbers, by joining the circus and working out how many acrobats you need to form square-shaped human towers. Examine a table and graph. Look for a pattern in them that will help you predict the number of acrobats you'll need to build bigger towers. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: History
Category: Prehistoric peoples

Curious case of the bog bodies

Since the 18th century, the peat bogs of Northern Europe have yielded hundreds of human corpses dating from as far back as 8,000 B.C. Like Tollund Man, many of these so-called bog bodies are exquisitely preserved. This Nautilus article summarises what is known about the peat bog mummies and how they died. Includes references.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Experiments

Free science experiments

Fizzics Education has many science experiments and project ideas using simple, low cost materials. Topics include: kitchen chemistry, force and movement, electrical circuits, light and sound, heat, geology, polar science, human body, botany and plant science, space, dinosaurs.

Subject: Geography
Category: Urban ecology

What is an urban heat island

Urban heat islands are one of the easiest ways to see how human impact has changed our planet. NASA Climate Kids explains how urban heat islands develop and the benefits of rooftop gardens, permeable surfaces and green spaces in reducing urban air temperature.

Subject: Geography
Category: Historical geography

Making of the British landscape

Renowned geographer Nicholas Crane and the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) have teamed up to create this story map about the geological history of Great Britain, from the ice age to the present. It includes maps and photographs highlighting natural phenomena and human impact on the Earth, and features a 3D diagram of Silbury Hill. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: History
Category: Middle Ages

Medieval woodcuts clipart

This website has a collection of medieval clipart culled from woodcuts of the 15th & 16th centuries. The clip art is available as biblical scenes and figures, animals, creatures and beasts, birds, decorative borders, human figures, plants and flora. Medieval Europe (c.590 - c.1500)

Subject: Geography
Category: Nature conservation

Back to nature

Back to Nature is a visually stunning documentary series featuring actor Aaron Pedersen and writer Holly Ringland as they take a journey into the deep interconnectedness between human beings and the landscape. All the stories in this series are connected by a unifying idea: the land is alive: the land is a being, a living entity.

Subject: History
Category: Aboriginal peoples - Technology

Brewarrina Aboriginal fish traps: Baiame's Ngunnhu

Environment NSW provides information on the Brewarrina Aboriginal fish traps comprising a nearly half-kilometre long complex of dry-stone walls and holding ponds. They may be the oldest human construction in the world. Aboriginal fishing.

Subject: Geography
Category: Forests and forestry - Australia

Land clearing and its impacts

Bush Heritage Australia argues that although extreme rates of land clearing and logging have reduced, Australia is still clearing much more native vegetation than is being replanted or regenerating naturally, with resulting problems of loss of biodiversity, rising salinity, and greenhouse pollution. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Science
Category: Life - Origin

Prehistoric time line

National Geographic's prehistoric time line shows the geologic time scale from the rise of life to the rise of the modern human illustrated with photographs, explanatory information and maps. Requires registration. Suitable for interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Geography
Category: Mines and mineral resources - Environmental aspects

Gold: environment

Hundreds of thousands of diggers rushed to Australian lands in the 1800s, upturned soil, polluted rivers and waterways and felled countless tress in the pursuit of gold. This section of the SBS Gold website reports that the often forgotten legacy of the gold rushes is a landscape that was permanently scarred. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Geography
Category: Mekong River

Spawning dams, not fish, on the Mekong

Discover in this 2010 clip how migration of fish species along the lower Mekong may be impeded by the proposed construction of dams along this mighty river. Environmental change and management: human-induced environmental changes that challenge sustainability. Water in the world.

Subject: Geography
Category: Air pollution

Substance fact sheets

Did you know that mowing the lawn or having an Aussie barbecue emits lead into the air? Read these substance fact sheets to discover the many different sources of pollution. Find out what can be done to help minimise the harmful effects of pollution on health and the environment. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Peace

Teach peace

Teach Peace from the Peace Education Network is a set of assemblies, activities, prayers and reflections on peace. It invites children to begin to think about what peace means to them and nurtures empathy. The pack encourages children to think critically about war and explore the human cost of war. Free to download.

Subject: History
Category: Mayas

Maya: the collapse of Maya civilisation

History's Histories page on the collapse of Maya civilisation suggest reasons may include economic opportunities or the lack of them, the threat of war, and environmental disaster, either natural or human-made. New findings suggest that the Maya collapse was not one, uninterrupted, continuous decline.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Educational games

Games for change

Games for Change is a collection of online video games, many of them involving role play, that address social and global issues such as health, poverty, education, human rights, global conflict and climate change. The games can be browsed by category and also by age suitability, from primary school to upper secondary.

Subject: History
Category: Aboriginal peoples - History

Mystery of Narrabeen Man

ABC Radio National audio feature examining the discovery of Narrabeen Man, the oldest human remains ever found in the Sydney basin. Discusses how the forensic examination of his bones revealed a 4,000 year-old cold case and the reasons why his remains have not yet been reinsured by the local Aboriginal people.

Subject: Geography
Category: Southern Ocean

Southern Ocean facts for kids

Kids World Travel Guide presents facts about the Southern Ocean: its location surrounding Antarctica, its name, size as fourth biggest ocean, average depth of about 3,200m, icebergs, sea temperatures, history, animals, ports, and human settlements.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

Science trek

Produced by Idaho Public Television, Science Trek presents a video that introduces children to math, science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) career potentials in a fun, informative way. Topics include: animals, Space, environment, dinosaurs, science fundamentals, human body, and Earth science.

Subject: The Arts
Category: Mural painting and decoration

Public silo trail

The Public Silo Trail initiative in Western Australia was the first project to create mural art on grain silos, public walls and transformer boxes. The site has a gallery of images, a map of the trail, and human stories from the silo towns.

Subject: History
Category: North Korea - Politics and government

North Korea country profile

The BBC page on North Korea describes it as a rigid state-controlled system with a leadership dependent on the cult of personality. The totalitarian state also stands accused of systematic human rights abuses. The page links to a biography of Chairman Kim Jong-un.

Subject: History
Category: Remembrance Day

From Flanders field to a symbol of remembrance

The RSL site explains the significance of the red poppy as a symbol of remembrance for the loss of life on the battlefields of the Western Front, during World War I. It includes the poem In Flanders Field by Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, a reminder of the human cost of war.

Subject: Science
Category: Science

Online science

The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago has devised this website which has videos, podcasts and activities. Videos and activities include: Baby Chicks Hatching, Simple Machines and Build an Electric Motor. The podcasts include: Repairing the Hubble telescope, human longevity and tornado science.

Subject: Science
Category: Ocean - Environmental aspects

Oceans and climate change

CSIRO reveals that climate change is having an effect beneath the waves of the world's oceans and coastal waterways, with ocean warming, sea-level rise and coastal erosion, and carbon absorption all having impact. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: History
Category: Aboriginal peoples - History

Mungo Lady

National Museum of Australia page examining the significance of the 1968 discovery of Mungo Lady, the oldest human remains found in Australia. The article examines the discovery from both an indigenous and western perspective and the importance of returning remains to aboriginal people.

Subject: Geography
Category: Pesticides - Environmental aspects

Impacts of urban and rural development

Whilst pesticides provide significant increases in production and cost savings, the possible effects on the environment may be significant. The NSW Department of Primary Industries describes the issues of stormwater and run-off, sedimentation, pesticide pollution, nutrient pollution, with the case study of the Clarence River floodplain. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Refugees

Refugee Council of Australia

Refugee Council of Australia site contains information on refugees, Australia's refugee resettlement and asylum programmes, general refugee statistics, the Australian Government's policy of detaining some asylum seekers and how to help promote the human rights of displaced people.

Subject: Science
Category: Food chains

Curious kids: what is the apex predator of the world

In response to a Curious Kids question, an expert in wildlife ecology and conservation explains how predators can be carnivores, herbivores, parasites, or parasitoids, and the apex predator in a food chain may depend on the environment. However, human impact spans the entire globe, and so may be considered the super-predator.

Subject: History
Category: Aboriginal peoples - Technology

Budj Bim cultural landscape

The Budj Bim Cultural Landscape is a UNESCO World Heritage site that demonstrates how Gunditjmara people worked with the natural resources and environment to establish a permanent place of human society over the past 30,000 years and beyond. Their aquaculture system includes kooyang (eel) trapping, containment and storage ponds.

Subject: History
Category: Mandela, Nelson

Life of Nelson Mandela

National Geographic Kids describes the world-famous human rights activist who became South Africa's first black president. It includes his early life, inequality in South Africa, apartheid, Mandela's imprisonment, and election as President. Leaders.

Subject: Science
Category: Vision

What do animals see: A new camera reveals the world through the eyes of birds and insects

CNN reports that a new camera system captures the way animals see the colours of the world in motion, including an ultraviolet perspective. Researchers show the view of a rainbow as seen through the eyes of a mouse, honeybee, bird and a human. Birds use colour to find food, attract a mate and avoid predators.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

Science topics

Science Topics offer access to the American Museum of Natural History's collections of unique digital resources on a wide range of scientific topics: bioluminescence, moths and butterflies, nature as innovator, climate change, cosmology, Darwin, dinosaurs, food, health and our microbiome, human origins, Pluto, volcanoes, water and life on Earth, whales.

Subject: Geography
Category: Maps - Problems, exercises, etc.

27 ideas for teaching with USGS topographical maps

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) publishes topographic maps showing contour lines, hydrography, transportation, vegetation, urban areas etc. Lesson ideas range from the basics of mapping (such as latitude and longitude, coordinate systems, and projecting) to geographic and social change over time and human impact on the land.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

Science World resources

Science World is a collection of lesson plans and activities on science topics including animals, cells, chemical reactions, cycles, ecology, electricity, energy, extreme environments, forces and motion, fungi, geology, human body, light, matter, mixtures, natural resources, plants, sound, space, sustainability and weather.

Subject: Geography
Category: Mines and mineral resources - Environmental aspects

Environmental impacts of mining and smelting

Occupational Knowledge International reports that the mining sector is responsible for some of the largest releases of heavy metals into the environment of any industry. It also releases other air pollutants including sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in addition to leaving behind tons of waste tailings, slag, and acid drainage. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Geography
Category: Mekong River

Damming the free and mighty Mekong

The Mekong has provided a way of life for millions of people and been an important trading route between south-western China and south-eastern Asia. In this clip, find out about controversial development plans for the lower stretches of this mighty river. Environmental change and management: human-induced environmental changes that challenge sustainability.

Subject: The Arts
Category: Rock painting

Rock art of the Kimberley

Bradshaw Foundation describes the different forms of Kimberley rock art painting: early 'Naturalistic', Gwion motifs, schematised human forms of the 'Static Polychrome', painted hand motifs, and the Wanjina paintings which depict the spirit ancestors and their representation in anthropomorphic form.

Subject: History
Category: Refugees

Refugee crisis

Immersive Minds has developed a Minecraft world to help students explore the refugee crisis from the perspective of a child refugee. Themes include justice, equality and poverty; empathy and collaboration; critical thinking; religious and moral education; safety, the Rights of the Child and human rights. Includes a teacher guide. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard. Free to download.

Subject: Geography
Category: Tropic regions

Cairns planning scheme policy: tropical urbanism

The Cairns plan for tropical urbanism provides guidance on providing good urban places with connection to nature. It outlines features of city buildings, separation and set-back of buildings, views and vistas, green landscaping, vertical landscaping, street canopies, and catering to human needs with public spaces.

Subject: History
Category: Bakhita, Josephine, Saint

Patron Saint: St Josephine Bakhita

The Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney commemorates the Feast Day of St Josephine Bakhita, patron saint of victims of modern slavery and human trafficking. Kidnapped at the age of nine, she was sold into slavery. Eventually entrusted to the Canossian Sisters she was known for her constant smile, humility and simplicity.

Subject: Cross-curriculum
Category: Educational games

Online kids learning games

A collection of interactive educational games suitable for children in the early years of schooling help develop skills in language, maths, logic, reasoning, memory, words and creativity. In addition science lesson plans cover topics such as the solar system, plants and animals, human body and the food chain. Suitable for interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Geography
Category: Rubbish disposal - Environmental aspects

Waste: Australia's environment: Issues and trends, Jan 2010

The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports on waste issues in Australia. The chief environmental concerns associated with landfills are emissions of greenhouse gases, and the possible long-term pollution of the environment through leaching of heavy metals and chemicals (including from e-waste). Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Geography
Category: Mines and mineral resources - Environmental aspects

Mining and the environment: the future of Australia’s brand

The Conversation reports that Australia has built a strong global brand based on its iconic natural beauty. But on the flip-side, mining is an important part of the Australian economy. As the economic importance of mining accelerates, can these two core Australian brands continue to co-exist without impacting one another? Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Study and teaching

National Geographic activities

National Geographic presents a collection of ideas for student activities in biological and life sciences, biology, current issues, earth science, ecology, general science, human geography, oceanography, physical geography and physical sciences.

Subject: Geography
Category: Geography

Difference differently: Geography modules

This collection of online activities embeds understanding of diversity within the geography curriculum. Topics include Our communities; One country many cultures (including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander connection to country, and migration and changing nations); Mapping diversity (including exploring the data, and the relationship between location and opportunity); and Thinking globally (global inequalities, geographies of human wellbeing).

Subject: History
Category: Inventions - History

History of inventions, a timeline from pottery to computer

This timeline of inventions highlights important human-made developments ranging from pottery and the wheel to the recent DVD player; inventions are arranged by date of invention, ranging from early B.C. to modern day. Clicking on an invention brings up further details about the inventor and the invention.

Subject: Science
Category: Science - Problems, exercises, etc.

Study jams: science

The Science pages of the Study Jams site from Scholastic contains animations, quizzes and tests on a variety of science topics: plants; animals; the human body; landforms; rocks and minerals; solar system; force and motion; scientific enquiry; ecosystems; weather and climate; matter; energy, light and sound. This well-designed site is suitable for interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Science
Category: Teeth

Big cats, big teeth

Test your knowledge of big cats and their teeth on this National Geographic site. Find out which big cat species has the longest canine teeth and learn how the shape and size of an animal's teeth and jaw have evolved to help it eat specific types of plant or animal material. Compare a lion's teeth and jaw with a human's.

Subject: Mathematics
Category: Statistics - Study and teaching

Choose your own statistics

Choose Your Own Statistics has been designed to help students to gain an understanding of important human rights issues as they explore the latest statistics from Australian institutions. Topics include demographics, country of birth, life expectancy, homelessness, weekly wages, access to information, youth in the justice system, respectful relationships, work and young people, and refugees and asylum seekers. Graphs are suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Technology
Category: Robots

Marvellous machines: early robots

Despite the image of robots as a futuristic vision of a shiny humanoid, robots can take many forms and their history stretches back over 500 years. The Science Museum describes the earliest form of robot, early self-regulating machines, more complex mechanical machines, early recreations of the human form, robotic toys, and the automaton lathe. Robots reflected questions about life and what we might be.

Subject: History
Category: Magna Carta

Magna Carta timeline

This site from the Magna Carta 2015 Committee covers the timeline from the sealing of Magna Carta in 1215 to the present day. Find out how it became part of English law, and was a fundamental inspiration for the American Declaration of Independence and the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Magna Carta still supports the individual rights of millions of people around the world.

Subject: Science
Category: Ants

Invasive red fire ants found in Europe for the first time

The Natural History Museum reports on the spread of invasive red imported fire ants to Europe. With a painful sting and a voracious appetite, the ants are known to pose a risk to native ecosystems, farming and human health. Details include their origin, impact on plants and animals, how they spread, and how to control them.

Subject: Geography
Category: Deserts

Protecting health in dry cities: considerations for policy makers

The BMJ interactive 'Towards healthy dry cities' shows particular challenges that require innovative thinking, and include considerations of health, governance, water, human behaviour and natural vegetation, in dry climate zones. An infographic also highlights the particular challenges for dry cities. Suitable for an interactive whiteboard.

Subject: Geography
Category: Great Barrier Reef

Threats to the reef

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority describes the reef as one of the world's best managed reefs but, like other coral reefs, it faces threats such as: climate change; extreme weather; declining water quality; coastal development; illegal fishing; crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks; marine debris. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Geography
Category: Antarctica - Climate

Climate crisis in Antarctica

The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition reports that the global climate crisis is interrupting natural processes across large parts of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Human activity is causing changes to natural systems, penguin colonies are vanishing, ice shelves are collapsing, and the Southern Ocean is heating up.

Subject: Geography
Category: Antarctica - Climate

Climate change and its effects on Antarctica

Antarctica has shown some of the most significant effects of climate change so far. The effect of melting ice on global sea-levels makes it of great importance; it also serves as somewhere to observe effects away from other human influences. Cool Antarctica provides maps and data, and looks at the effect of global warming on Antarctica's plants, penguins and krill.

Subject: Society/Environment
Category: Aung San Suu Kyi

Aung San Suu Kyi

The Burma Campaign site provides biographical information about the Nobel prize winner and political leader, Aung San Suu Kyi. The site also has information about human rights and conditions in the country.

Subject: History
Category: O'Donoghue, Lowitja

Aboriginal activist and Australian of the Year Lowitja O'Donoghue

The National Archives of Australia honours Pitjantjatjara woman Lowitja O'Donoghue's long history of campaigning for Indigenous rights. Founding Chairperson of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission she worked on Indigenous human rights issues, including health, housing, community development and land rights. Her personal struggle against racism shaped her life.

Subject: Geography
Category: Introduced species - Environmental aspects

PestSmart connect

PestSmart Connect, developed by the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, is a toolkit of information on best practice pest animals management in Australia. Topics include wild dog, European fox, feral pig, rabbit, cat, goat, carp, tilapia fish, cane toad, pest birds, mice, horse, deer, camel and other new and emerging problems. Effect of human activity on habitat.

Subject: Geography
Category: Disasters

WMO predicts extreme weather events and natural disasters

The World Meteorological Organisation predicts that extreme weather events and natural disasters will continue to increase, with more human losses and economic losses. Countries around the world have pledged to reach a global peak of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible and to achieve a climate-neutral world.

Subject: Geography
Category: Natural resources - Management - Moral and ethical aspects

Explore Catholic social teaching principles

With human dignity at its centre, a holistic approach to development founded on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, is what Pope Paul VI called 'authentic development'. Explore the Catholic Social Teaching principles and how they guide the work of Caritas Australia. It includes stewardship of the environment - caring for the earth and its resources.

Subject: Science
Category: Physics

Quarked: Adventures in the subatomic universe

The Quarked project aims to be an entertaining way of introducing the world of subatomic physics to students. Animated segments focus on the adventures of Ushi (up-quark), Danny (down-quark), and Harold (up-quark) as they take on the invisible world of particle physics in their proton subatomic universe vehicle (SUV). Each Quarked character has an animated human counterpart who learns ways to solve everyday problems through the Quarked micro-world adventures. Topics cover motions and forces, atoms, matter, molecules, quarks, particles, and subatomic particles.

Subject: Technology
Category: Computer science

Computer Science Unplugged

Computer Science Unplugged is 'a project that provides free games and activities to communicate computer science concepts to students of all ages.' It has pdfs in a variety of languages, videos and topics, with extensive resource lists, such as cryptography, binary numbers, and computer programming. Other topics include: Image Representation,Text Compression, Error Detection, Information Theory, Searching Algorithms, Sorting Algorithms, Sorting Networks, Minimal Spanning Trees, Routing and Deadlock, Finite State Automata, Programming Languages, Graph Colouring, Dominating Sets, Steiner Trees, Information Hiding, Cryptographic Protocols, Public Key Encryption, Human Interface Design, Turing Test, Phylogenetics Unplugged, Class Simulation of a Computer, Harold the Robot, Modems Unplugged and Santa's Dirty Socks.

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